A Multi-Year Pledge

Donor(s) may choose to make their campaign gifts payable over a period of up to five years with the completion of a written pledge form.

Pledge Form

A Gift of Securities

Menno Haven supporters may own stocks, bonds, or mutual funds that have appreciated beyond their original cost and may consider making their campaign gift with these appreciated securities. Often, such a gift represents a tax-efficient way to support Menno Haven.

An IRA Charitable Distribution (QCD)

Donors aged 70½ years or older may consider directly transferring from their IRA accounts to Menno Haven. The fundamental details and restrictions for taking advantage of this tax-wise giving opportunity are as follows:

  • You must be 70½ or older when you make your gift, and the gift must be made from a Traditonal IRA – also other retirement plans (such as 401k, 403b, or SEP accounts) qualify.
  • Your gift must come to Menno Haven outright – it cannot be used to establish a life-income arrangement or support a donor-advised fund.
  • Although the distribution will be free from income tax, it will not generate an income tax charitable deduction, nor will you report the income.
  • An individual is permitted to donate up to $105,000 annually.
  • This giving option may be of particular benefit for those who do not itemize deductions.
  • The gift can count towards your RMD for the particular tax year.

A Planned Gift

In addition to current gifts, planned estate gifts are significant to the future of Menno Haven. There are several options for creating a planned gift either currently or through your estate, including charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, outright bequests, naming Menno Haven as a beneficiary in your retirement plan, and gifts of life insurance. New and increased planned gifts are an excellent way to augment your current gift to Menno Haven.

A Gift of Vehicles, Real Estate, Art, or Jewelry

Under certain circumstances, Menno Haven may accept real estate or other property gifts.

Payroll Deduction (For Menno Haven’s Team Members Only)

If you are looking for a simple way to support Menno Haven and have a meaningful impact in your workplace, signing up for payroll deduction giving could be the answer. This works by deducting a certain amount from your paycheck. You may select which fund to support, how much, and how often you want to donate. It’s easy to keep track of so that you can itemize your charitable donations when you file your taxes at the end of the year.

Resident Refundable Deposit

(For Menno Haven’s Independent Living Residents 2017 and earlier)

Gifting the refundable deposit portion of the entrance fee to Menno Haven is an option for Menno Haven’s independent living residents (Independent Living residents may refer to their Entrance Agreement for information regarding this loan). Donations of the entire loan, or a portion, are acceptable. The amount of the interest-free loan that is donated is eligible for a tax deduction.

Direct Debit Payments

Direct Debit is an easy method to process recurring or annual gifts. With online Direct Debit, we can set up payments without hassle, making it efficient for you to donate.

Direct Debit Form

Life Insurance

Donating a policy with many life insurance companies isn’t an all-or-nothing decision, meaning you can decide how much you want to give. Most allow you to divide your life insurance into two policies so you can give a portion to charity while still retaining the rest for yourself and your beneficiaries. Donating a life insurance policy is relatively easy. To initiate the process, the donor contacts their insurance company to change the beneficiary of the policy to the nonprofit. The donor will need all of the nonprofit’s necessary information (tax ID number, address, contact information for the nonprofit’s investment advisor, etc).


Goods or services donated to Menno Haven. The IRS may require the donor to complete an IRS Form 8283 with their personal tax return for non-cash gifts over $5,000. All Gift-In-Kinds will need to be approved by the Development Office and will help you complete any required tax forms.

By Mail

Gifts may also be mailed directly to the Development Office at the following address: (Please be sure to fill out the memo line where your contribution should be designated or by a note)

Menno Haven Development Services
300 Ridgeview
Chambersburg, PA 17201

Some of these types of gifts are more complicated than others, so please contact Development to fully explain the process.