Will my gift to Menno Haven be tax deductible?

Yes. Menno Haven is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization. Gifts made to Menno Haven are tax-exempt to the fullest extent of the law. We suggest that you contact your financial advisor for the most “tax-wise” way to make your gift.

EIN # 23-6276101

How will the Benevolent Fund benefit Menno Haven and its current and future residents?

A growing and robust endowment fund will generate important annual income that can be used to help provide benevolent care for those who experience unexpected financial challenges and will help sustain programs, projects, and technological advances in perpetuity. Many supporters will choose to make a gift to Menno Haven’s endowment fund with a new or increased planned (estate) gift.

Over how many years may I pay my pledge?

Menno Haven is offering pledge payments for a period of one to five years, if requested. Because of the tremendous importance of annual giving, Menno Haven asks that gifts be made “over and above” what is ordinarily gifted to the Menno Haven community on an annual basis.